Bringing you the best in score and screen, diWREKtor’s cut showcases a new movie and its soundtrack every week with commentary, discussions, and reviews. Tune in to join 91.1’s very own film club!
100,000 watts of quality,
diverse programming
Genres: talk, film, soundtrack, and scores
Fridays 5pm - 6pm
Hosts: Andrea Schwartz-Silvera, Madison Sauers, Evelyn Lowry, and Matthew Godat
Bringing you the best in score and screen, diWREKtor’s cut showcases a new movie and its soundtrack every week with commentary, discussions, and reviews. Tune in to join 91.1’s very own film club!
listen again
DiWREKtor's Cut makes a bold choice by starting Women's History Month with a movie about a truly terrible man! don't worry was d...
DJ Andee Schwartz-Silvera
This week we're looking at DiWREKtor Maddie's favorite movie "of all time" - Trainspotting! Beware of Scottish accents!
DJ Andee Schwartz-Silvera
After last week off, DiWREKtor's Cut is BACK!!! And we're here to bring in the Valentine's spirit of love with the heartwarming romance/sci-...
DJ Andee Schwartz-Silvera
This week is DiWREKtor's Cut's very first animated movie episode! And what better movie to highlight than the beloved 2007 Pixar classic–Rat...
DJ Andee Schwartz-Silvera
America's favorite shrimpin' company owner, Forrest Gump, is the star of this week's episode of DiWREKtor's Cut! Listen to us talk about For...
DJ Andee Schwartz-Silvera
This week DiWREKtor's Cut's film choice pays tribute to the late, great David Lynch with Mulholland Drive! A classic Lynchian favorite exemp...
DJ Andee Schwartz-Silvera
DiWREKtor's Cut's very first (posted) episode! This week: JoJo Rabbit (2019), directed by Taika Waititi. Listen to us discuss this WWII sati...
DJ Andee Schwartz-Silvera