100,000 watts of quality,
diverse programming

Playlist for Lost in the Stacks, May 17, 2024 ("Are You the Gatekeeper? Disability and the Archival Profession"), Episode 602

by Fred Rascoe


#playlist, #lost-in-the-stacks

Hear the show at http://traffic.libsyn.com/lostinthestacks/LITS_Episode_602.mp3

"Waiting Room" by Fugazi

Interview with Chris Tanguay, Processing Archivist at MIT Libraries

File this set under LC4019 .T46
"Ellen West" by Throwing Muses
"She's Lost Control" by Joy Division

Continued interview with Chris Tanguay

File this set under KF3469 .C36
"Monument" by Mirah
"Mad World" by Curt and Diva Smith

Continued interview with Chris Tanguay

File this set under PN6728.G476 G46
"Little Rosa" by Letters to Cleo
"I Just Wasn't Made For These Times" by the Beach Boys

"Where is my Mind?" by the Pixies