Hear the show at http://traffic.libsyn.com/lostinthestacks/LITS_Episode_632.mp3
"A.I. (Do My Work For Me)" by the Photocopies
Interview with Presley Dyer - Metadata Librarian at the Georgia Tech Library; Wilhelmina Randtke - Head of Libraries Technologies and Systems at Georgia Southern University; and Mary Beth Weber - Head of Central Technical Services at Rutgers University
File this set under TT390 .L853
"Beyond the Fringe" by the Lime Spiders
"Another the Letter" by Wire
"Behind the Curtains" by Jan Bradley
Continued interview
File this set under QA76.9 .N38
"Mirage" by Siouxsie and the Banshees
"Hallucinations" by Baker Knight and the Knightmares
Continued interview
File this set under RC553.H3 S23
"Simple Machines" by Dancing Cigarettes
"Blind or Dead" by Lost Cherrees
"Cold Light of Day" by Lewsberg