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Playlist for Lost in the Stacks, May 31, 2024 ("Let's Get Medieval"), Episode 604

by Fred Rascoe


#lost-in-the-stacks, #playlist

Hear the show at http://traffic.libsyn.com/lostinthestacks/LITS_Episode_604.mp3

"Medieval" by the Funs

Interview with Dr Julia Schneider, Librarian at the Medieval Institute at the University of Notre Dame

File this set under CB353 .M4247
"Anywhere" by Tomorrow Tulips
"Scrolls of Doom" by Dear Nora
"Books" by Please Ask for Paul

Continued interview with Julia Schneider

File this set under Z723 .T47
"Monk Time" by the Monks
"St Peter Writes His Book" by Sic Alps
"The Ancient Cause" by Fievel is Glauque

Continued interview with Julia Schneider

File this set under ML457 .M42
"Kyrie Eleison" by the Electric Prunes
"Glaudete" by Steeleye Span
"Fotheringay" by Fairport Convention

"Middle Ages" by the Wimps